Sunday, March 16, 2014


Got the chance to surprise my sister with a impromptu visit in Atlanta. Although my dad almost dropped the ball and told her, I was still able to pull of the surprise.  I updated her on my travel plans and of course she did the whole worrying sister routine. I politely rolled my yes and assured her I will be safe. My time here is short and I was glad to spend some quality time with her and my nephew before I depart. [ 5 more days by the way!!!!!! :) ]

I also took the opportunity to go on a hike through one of the parks in town. Absolutely beautiful views and wild life...
 Quick selfie with the family

View of the lake

A crane... stalking its prey

My time in Atlanta has been very relaxing; eating a bunch of different southern food, drinking a few adult beverages and playing with my baby cousin. Just what I need before I start backpacking and sleeping in foreign beds.

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