Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rainy Days

I'm sure most wont argue that rainy days in LA are the best, especially when there is thunder involved. Its a welcome break from all the sunshine. Part of me wants to go outside and jump in the biggest puddle and the other part wants to stay under the covers and just listen (I've been doing the latter of course).

Its odd though... how this downpour can organize the racing mind or even cause me to want to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard for the matter).

Sitting on my couch, listening to the thunderstorm outside, thoughts of the trip start creeping up. I wonder who I'm going to meet or how adventurous I am going to get with the food or even how do I make the most out of the country I'm visiting? How many times will I come home to visit? Do I want to come home? All valid thoughts I suppose.

I guess I'm just anxious to get on the road and answer all those questions first hand.

Seems like this thunderstorm didn't help calm my mind after all...

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