Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Phnon Pehn Day 2

The food here is unbelievably good, and made with simple ingredients.
 Delicious bowl of noodles at the Russian Market ( I don't even know what its called but it tasted amazing)

Me and the boys (Andrew and Zane (both Canadian)) enjoying our noodles. You can see how hot it was by the sweat glistening off my skin. That's right... I glisten

Shortly after the girls decided to do a little shopping and we decided to have a few beers in the tuk tuk while we waited. 

Overall day two was a blast. Found a nice crew of people to hang with, roamed around the city, had a few too many beers (cough cough), and eventually found our way to a pool to cool off at night. I can say this, life in Cambodia is not bad... not bad at all

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