Sunday, March 23, 2014

Phnom Pehn...

The internet here is a bit sketchy so its been a challenge to update the blog. I did make it here safely. So far so good. Things got a little crazy here at the Top Banana Guesthouse on Saturday...

Not only did I drink, I actually soaked up some culture.

  This is Iris, getting ready to take a few photos (I hope I'm spelling her name right)

This is a quick look inside Wat Phnom temple

My first day was great, I met a couple of girls from Holland who were kind enough to let me tag along with them for the day. We rented mountain bikes and rode around the city, even though it was hot as hell outside. It was nice to have the company and to hear others stories. 
I was very surprised to see the reaction of the local people as I rode by on my bike. Their eyes widen with a smile from ear to ear. It was as if I was this foreign enigma and everyone was curious. It was very welcoming.