Thursday, March 27, 2014

Siem Reap!!!

I made it to Siem Reap to meet up with my friends from home. I was really excited to join them while we are all traveling in Asia.

Here is a picture of where I ate breakfast the first day at our hotel in Siem Reap... not bad

Today we took our massive group and did a day tour of Angkor Wat. Beautiful ancient temples that have lasted the test of time. Some famous movies have even been filmed here as well. ( Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider)

Trying to find inner peace

There are many temples, each one having a different story to tell. I do not remember the names of all of them, but I will say that my favorite so far is the Angkor Wat temple.

There are 3 levels to the Angkor Wat temple and to go past the 1st level you have to wear a shirt that at least covers your shoulders and shorts that at least covers your knees. They ask visitors to do so as a sign of respect. 
On the entrances to the temple, you can actually see bullet holes where shots were fired during the Khmer Rouge civil war. Makes me wonder why was there bloodshed at a temple, but I have to remember how vicious the times were during the Khmer Rouge regime.
Jordan and I

My attempt at some artistic photos
Day two of the Angkor Wat tour will be tomorrow...

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