Saturday, May 10, 2014

Subway Rides and Caves

The day started off pretty great. Jon and I found this wet market in the morning and decided to have breakfast there. Turns out its a hidden gem of Kuala Lumpur.

Breakfast of Champions! We have ice coffee, Laksa and Ah Fook Chee Cheong Fun
I had been looking for Laksa EVERYWHERE and this market seemed to be the only place that had it. I was pretty excited.

We walked by and this lady was cooking up something seriously delicious, so we sat down to have a bowl. 

This was the magical creation that came out of that sweet sweet wok. We have ginger and wine noodles and fish head soup. Both soups were incredible.
After getting full from our massive wet market meals we decided to go see something cool. I read about the Batu Caves in my Lonely Planet and thought it would be interesting to check it out. Of course we had to stop and get a Fanta first...
We go back to our guesthouse and try to devise a plan on how we are going to get to the caves. We ask our host and she suggested that we take the subway. My eyes opened so wide. I thought, 'how cool would that be to take a subway in Malaysia.' She told us it wasnt that far and it would only cost us 2 ringitt. Done and done.

It was a super modern train and it had AIR CON! I wanted to stay on there forever...

Jonny boy and I on the subway to the Batu Caves.
We get there and I wasn't impressed... at first
Waterfall from a huge limestone rock

I saw these steps to the caves and I just shook my head. It was so hot outside and they want me to climb a huge flight of stairs... I did it anyway

The cave is HUGE!... and boiling hot (just sayin)

Oh and there were a bunch of these little guys everywhere

How did the chicken get in here?
So needless to say when we get out of this cave my shirt was completely wet, but that's ok... at least I was doing something fun. 

I will put up more photos from the day in another post...

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