Friday, May 16, 2014

Singapore, scooters and magic

Currently in Singapore and I can confidently say that this place is amazing. So far...

The first day Jon and I just walked around the city and sampled some tasty treats.

Jon being silly/ inside joke

Tang Dynasty anyone?...

mmmmmmmm noodles :-)

Its pretty hot in Singapore but walking is the best way to see the city and experience everything. But, our hostel offered a scooter tour around the city... FOR FREE. Sign me up please. Luckily we were able to go because a few people dropped out at the last minute. It was so much fun and we met some cool people.

Jon and I #selfie #juanskeener #kdiddy #myhairisgettinglong

Our scooter tour guide. I forgot his name :-/

The Inn Crowd scooter crew

Stopped at the water park to cool off

Went to the Super Tree part to see the light show

Absolutely amazing!

We also went to a show on the river front, but unfortunately I didn't take any pictures. I was a bit tired at this point and just wanted to enjoy the show, the people I was with and my surrounding. It was extremely cool though, machines would shoot up mist from the bay and project pictures and videos onto the mist. It was a cool show and the technology behind it is amazing.
 Our guide said that the Super Tree park and the back cost 1 million dollars a week to maintain! To be honest I was not surprised due to it being so elaborate.

The Inn Crown scooter crew at the end of the night. Very tired but yet very thirsty for adult beverages...

Don't forget to check out my buddy Jon's blog to see his perspective!

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