Friday, May 9, 2014

Kuala Lumpur!!!!!!

Met up with Jon yesterday in Kuala Lumpur. I was pretty excited to see him. It was nice to see a face from back home.

Last night we didn't do much after we checked in, but we did manage to go to a Reggae Bar to grab a few cold ones.

Today we got up and roamed the city.

 Jon in our cab to lunch

Photo of some of the architecture

From what I've seen so far Kuala Lumpur seems more modern than I thought it would. It definitely has a different vibe than Thailand and Cambodia. There is more of a big city vibe here, which I kind of like. Even though its a big city you can still find cheap options to grab food and even a few beers. 

I was surprised at how tall and modern a lot of the buildings were


These are the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur. These were once the tallest buildings in the world until Taipei took the title in 2004. Planning on going to the top tomorrow.

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