Saturday, April 26, 2014

Its been a while...

Its been quite a while since I have updated this thing. Its not completely my fault. The internet connections on the Thai islands are not that great. But lets see, since I last wrote I've been to Chiang Mai, Pai, Koh Samui, Koh Tao and Koh Phangan. All awesome places except for Koh Phangan... I wasn't that impressed.

Went on a floating market tour

 The ladies in the boats are super aggressive

Iris again... looking happy as a clam

I didn't take any photos in Chiang Mai because on Songkran but luckily one of the girls we were with did...

Chrissy and Iris (Chrissy was our photographer for this event)

Mad man Zane ( He's Canadian)

 Hittin the streets to cause some damage

Yes... that is a dude in a dress

Pai was a lot calmer and more quiet. A nice little town about 3 hours north of Chiang Mai...

 Iris and I fed a baby elephant some bananas

I was so hot in that black t-shirt... never again

I found a new friend

There aren't any photos from the islands I went to... unfortunately

I did complete a diving course on Koh Tao and am now certified to dive up to 18 meters. It was extremely fun and I had the chance to see some amazing fish on the dives. I also met some cool people along the way.

Koh Phangan wasn't that great. I went to the full moon party and was not too impressed. So after that I hoped on the first night bus back to Bangkok to meet up with Zane and Andrew (Canadian guys). So now I'm here in Bangkok with the boys causing trouble :-)

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