Friday, April 11, 2014

Bangkok!... Day 1

First of all, let me point out that it took us nearly 24 hrs to get to Bangkok from the south of Cambodia. A trip that was advertised as 14 hours. Needless to say I was not happy, but we made it to Koh San Road safely.

It took us a while to find and pick a hostel. We found one and wasn't too impressed so we decided to stay there one night and make a reservation somewhere else. 

So we unpack and try to decide where to grab a bit to eat, since it had been a while. We sit down at a bar right outside our guesthouse and grab a beer and have a small meal. Still tired from the trip to Bangkok we find that we weren't even that hungry.

I wanted to see why Koh San Road was so special and why most backpackers decide to stay near here, so I decided to take a walk. You can find damn near anything on Koh San Road, from suits to guys trying to take you to see the ping pong show. Yes I said it... the famous Asian ping pong show. I didnt go see it, but from what I HEAR... its shockingly amazing.

I can see why it is easy to get swept up in this place, but in all honesty I was expecting more out of Bangkok, so I guess tomorrow I will have to do a bit more exploring.

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