Sunday, April 13, 2014

Got Lost... Literally (Bangkok day 2)

Bangkok is a spectacular place with great food. Its also tricky to figure out if you dont know how to navigate this beast. That being said, Iris and I got lost on our first full day in Bangkok Thailand. ( no pun intended for the name of the blog)...

For those who don't already know, my phone has been acting up (since I dropped it in the sand) and Ive been kinda stressed about it. I was informed that there was an "Apple store" near by. Notice that I put the Apple Store in quotes. When I was informed that there was an "Apple Store" in the city, I was beyond happy to have the technicians take a look at my phone. 

Once I get to the mall I was thoroughly disappointed. It was a knock off "Apple Store." What the worker called a "satellite" store. I was more than pissed off... but what can I do, I'm in Thailand.

We got to the mall by a tuk tuk, which was pretty inexpensive... but then we decide to be adventurous and take the bus back to our hostel. Bus number 15 was suppose to take us back. Very BOLD of new comers to a new city, especially being foreigners. Needless to say we got lost and was lost in a major way. We were in a part of town that no foreigner had seen and we were being looked at like we were in the wrong in all sorts of ways. (fuck bus number 15 by the way...)

I asked if the right bus was going to pick us up on this street corner, but we waited so long the lingering eyes became uncomfotable. We decided go get a tuk tuk back to Ko San Road... which was "very far" as expressed by the driver. We agreed to the price and just hopped in. It was way better than walking and getting even more lost.

We get back to the hostel, but in all honesty being lost was probably the best part of Bangkok because we got to see a part of the city most people dont get to see. Yes, I was pretty freaked out by taking the wrong bus number 15 but in the end it taught me a lot. One it taught me to not take a bus in a different country and two i taught me that getting lost in a different country isnt so bad. 

Overall, Bangkok has been awesome so far. I cant wait to see how Chiang Mai is...

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